Mission to Seafarers says Sea Sunday is an opportunity to thank seafarers for the hardships they have faced and the sacrifices they have been forced to endure due to the Covid lockdowns.
The Mission to Seafarers Victoria historically and even more today is dependent upon the work of Port Chaplains, Ship Visitors and the great contribution of volunteers in the delivery of services. Sea Sunday is a fundraising event for the Mission to provide vital services to seafarers’ welfare.
Today approximately 1.5 million seafarers carry over 90% of world trade. Their lives are isolated and lonely. The conditions they experience are often harsh and dangerous, and the prevalence of piracy, abandonment and injury results in trauma for seafarers and their families. Their well being is often in our hands and we rely on your support to care for them while they are in our ports. Since 1857, the Mission to Seafarers Victoria has relied on the generosity of donors and the prayers of the community.
Sailor’s Society
The Sailor’s Society also says that seafarers are in great need of your prayers this year as during the coronavirus pandemic they’ve felt more isolated and have been called upon to make more painful sacrifices than ever before. In fact, the UN has called their situation a ‘humanitarian crisis’.
Stella Maris, formerly known as The Apostleship of the Sea, has a range of resources to download to help parishes celebrate Sea Sunday this year, including a parish pack, a poster, video, children’s’ activities and an appeal talk. You can also download and listen to an audio version of the appeal talk by Bishop Paul Mason, Stella Maris’s Bishop Promoter for England and Wales.
To help your church remember and pray for them this year, the Sailor’s Society has a video presentation available to download. It also has a mental health support appeal. For more information, see the Sailor’s Society website : Stella Maris
Ailleurs en France, entre autre, pour le « Sea Sunday » (journée mondiale de la mer), une messe internationale fut célébrée le dimanche 11 juillet 2021 par le diocèse de Marseille, sur la demande de l’Apostolatus Maris (Vatican). Une Eucharistie, en anglais, relayée dans le monde entier à l’intention des marins et de leurs familles en présence du Père Bruno Ciceri, directeur de l’Apostolat de la Mer ou Mission de la Mer – Stella Maris.
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